Hui-Ting Hong

Unidirectional Treatment

Performance Art, Art Therapy, Movement

2018 | cooperate project | performer @ Sin Hong Choon

Base on the concept of art therapy and uses body behavior to present. Consider the society as a whole, it is shape and shaped by human beings. How we behave? How we went through the process of self-healing? With mixed medium(drawing and movement), we might have the ability to disclose the real self.

Perform in Taipei Fringe Festival 2018


photo credit: Zhang Kai-Jie

We draw, we run and we groan.

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photo credit: Zhang Kai-Jie

Director | Xin-Ping Li
Director Assistant | Wei-Ting Hung
Executive Director | Yu-Xuan Jian
Administrative Services | Chao-You Gu, Wei Ni
Administrative Propaganda | Zhe-Yu Xu, Yu-Xuan Jian, Cheng-Yu Cai, Ding-Wei Lin
Executive Ticketing | Zhe-Yu Xu
Photography Image | Kai-Jie Zhang
Graphic Design | Ai-Ke Wu, Jing-Yan Huang
Choreographer | Xin-Ping Li, Yi-Fang Wang
Music | Lei-Ning Wang
Stage Image | Jing-Yan Huang
Movement | Yi-Fang Wang, Yi-Zhen Lin, Ting-Hui Lin, Wei-Ting Hung, *Hui-Ting Hong, Zhe-Yu Xu, Yuer Zhang, Ya-Zhu Yu, Yu-Xuan Jian, Xin-Ru Zheng