Hui-Ting Hong

Le Mythe d'Immorta

Movement, Real-Time Interaction, Video Projection

2022 | cooperate project | choreographer @ Centre des Arts Enghien-les-Bains

This performance is developed during the residence at Centre des Arts d’Enguien-les-Bains, in the framework of EUR ArTeC.
I choreograph based on the idea of seasons of nature. The dynamic of autumn, winter, and spring transform and integrate with my internal energy (“Qi”) which creates a hybrid space with no intelligent words but with gentle fluctuations between breath, environment, and bodily gestures.
This research-creation project explores the possibility of co-creation between virtual images and bodily gestures and further brings out the thematic problem: “Does a dancer dance alone?” I consider a solo dancer never dances alone; instead, each medium (space, image, body, and sound) is an organism that evolves, diversifies, and co-creates as soon as it exists. I create new bodily gestures with each media with the guidance of breathing and ‘Qi’, independently of my vision, from environmental media to visual media.

Generated by Embedvimeovideo/de/ | Uno regler

A dive between two worlds, one robotic, the other organic. In a hybrid world, the mutations that take place create two paths, that of chaos and that of the Tao.

Artistic direction | Pr. Chu-Yin Chen (Professor, lab. INREV-AIAC, Paris 8)
Computer graphics | Isadora Teles de Castro (Ph.D. candidate, lab. INREV-AIAC, Paris 8)
Sound and choreograph | *Hui-Ting Hong (Ph.D. candidate, lab. INREV-AIAC, Paris 8)
Virtual robot | Silvia Cîrcu (Ph.D. candidate, lab. INREV-AIAC, Paris 8)
Performer | Gabrielle F. (Danse company DESIDERATE)

Project CECCI-H2M, supported by EUR ArTeC

Partners :
Labo. INREV-AIAC, Paris 8
CDA - Centre des Arts d’Enguien-les-Bains
LIRMM - Laboratoire d’informatique, de robotique et de microélectronique de Montpelliers